The Prince and the Pauper Voicebank Duo
Two Characters, One Voicer.
Keep in Mind: I make them sing, because I cannot :'D
Please also note, that the configurations, frq.files and .wavs of my banks are a work in progress.
The oto.ini has been adjusted for 1 Pitch and copied for the others, so there will be deviations.
You are of course free to make any adjustments yourself to improve your experience.
Otherwise you can also just let me know if there are severe issues.
General information/description of Kyuuyou's voice
Kyuuyou Chuudoku is a female, neutral and clear voice, with boyish tendencies.
Deeper songs blend better with her, but she is also capable of sounding good with higher melodies –
both resulting in different moods (deep: shadowy/ tough, high: clear, innocent, melancholic).
KY’s voice generally gives a “wannabe tough” vibe, given by the voice’s “weak-esque” nature.
Therefore: great for slower, jazzy, sad, philosophical, lascivious songs.
Not so much for: scream for your life, powerhouse chants (which may be fixed by some kind of “power voicebank” in the future – but keep in mind – KY as an UTAU is generally a softer one by her nature)
But beyond this description, you are of course free to test her out and experiment with all sorts of melodies.
Maybe you’ll find some new discoveries/something that works while tuning her, that I haven’t figured out yet.
If you wanna, you can even make her sing the bee movie script at B9 –
but she might hate you afterwards.
休養中毒 / Kyuuyou Chuudoku - DEFAULT
Reclist, Range, Technical properties
Description, Download
VCV with CVVC support
Optimum Range: G3~G4 / around 120 BPM
Logical Range (as depicted by UTAU): G2~F5
Freq avg : 267.5 Hz (C4)
Files: 757
Voices : 5097
Size: approx. 400MB
4-Pitch VB recorded in: G3, A#3, D4, F4
(In the chord G Minor)
This is KY’s Standard VB/Set of voices. The Mood/Append reflected in this bank is her go-to/neutral singing voice.
This voicebank includes extras & add-ons.
Further information can be found in the "readme" file.
DOWNLOAD (Google Drive)
DOWNLOAD 2 (Mediafire)
Standard Singing Voice –
Talk bit
Kishin, tasuke o yonde.
“Kishin, get help.”)
Talk bit #2
Kishin, anata wa cringe.
“Kishin, you are cringe.”)
Example Sample
Saruna, daikirai.
“Saruna, I hate you.”)
General information/description of Kishin's voice
Kishin Ao Mugen is a male, a bit eccentric and clear voice.
Same as with Kyuuyou, deeper songs blend better with him, but he is also capable of sounding good with higher melodies – both resulting in different moods (deep: shadowy/ tough, high: clear, innocent, melancholic).
Kishin’s voice generally has a “posh” vibe, as he was voice acted to give the impression of an aristocratic, snobbish person – therefore the opera-like manner of his pronunciation. His ideal genres are classical and opera, but also works with any other category – especially sensual and melancholic songs. Same as with KY, he is not best for scream for your life, powerhouse chants (which may be fixed by some kind of “power voicebank” in the future)
But beyond this description, you are of course free to test him out and experiment with all sorts of melodies.
Maybe you’ll find some new discoveries/something that works while tuning him, that I haven’t figured out yet.
If you wanna, you can even make him sing “Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen” at C0 –
but if your UTAU crashes it’s not my fault.
貴紳青無限 / Kishin Ao Mugen - DEFAULT
Description, Download
Reclist, Range, Technical properties
VCV with CVVC support
Optimum Range: G3~G4 / around 120 BPM
Logical Range (as depicted by UTAU): G1~C6
Freq avg : 276.9 Hz (C#4)
Files: 755
Voices: 5095
Size: approx. 400MB
4-Pitch VB recorded in: G3, A#3, C#4, F#4
(In the chord G Diminished)
This is Kishin’s Standard VB/Set of voices. The Mood/Append reflected in this bank is his go-to/neutral singing voice.
This voicebank includes extras & add-ons.Further information can be found in the "readme" file.
Standard Singing Voice –
Talk bit
Watashi ga kimi o mamoru yo, eli!
(私が君を守るよ、エリ! /
“I will protect you, Eli!”)
Talk bit #2
Kimi no soba o hanarenai yo, eli!
(君のそばを離れないよ、エリ! /
“I will not leave your side, Eli!”)
Example Sample
Kawatta ne, imouto-chan.
You've changed, little sister.)

General information/description of Eli's voice
Eli is a female, childish, happy, and clear voice.
This bank is exaggeratedly voice acted to sound like a kid and functions as Kyuuyou Chuudokus child version. Therefore, its characteristics will overlap with those of KY’s bank. Differences can be found in tone and pronunciation, being overall brighter and whimsical in nature (noticeable by Elis heavy lisp). The bank is meant to work with uplifting and sweet songs as the voice carries an innocent vibe. However, there is also a possibility for creepy-esque usage, as heavily accentuated kids voices can also create unsettling contrast in scary mediums. Elis higher notes should transport a sweeter character, while her deeper ones are more pressing.
But beyond this description, you are of course free to test her out and experiment with all sorts of melodies (as long as you do it morally upright). Maybe you’ll find some new discoveries/something that works while tuning her, that I haven’t figured out yet. If you wanna, you can even make her sing “Wellerman” (for whatever reason) at -E#17 – but keep the rum away from her, as she is underage.
エリ/Eli - DEFAULT
Reclist, Range, Technical properties
Description, Download
VCV with CVVC support
Optimum Range: G3~G4 / around 120 BPM
Logical Range (as depicted by UTAU): G#2~D6
Freq avg : 279.2 Hz (C#4)
Files: 755
Voices: 5095
Size: approx. 400MB
4-Pitch VB recorded in: G3, B3, D4, F#4
(In the chord G Major)
This is Eli’s Standard VB/Set of voices. The Mood/Append reflected in this bank is her go-to/neutral singing voice.
This voicebank includes extras & add-ons.
Further information can be found in the "readme" file.
Standard Singing Voice –
Talk bit
Okiku nattara kashu ni naru n da!
(大きくなったら歌手になるんだ! /
“When I grow up, I'm going to be a singer!”)
Talk bit #2
O niichan wa tsuyokute kashikoi!
(お兄ちゃんは強くて賢い! /
“My big brother is strong and clever!”)
Example Sample
Kagome kagome / Kago no nakano tori wa
(かごめかごめ籠の中の鳥は /
“Kagome kagome / The bird in the cage”)
In case Kyuuyou's gloomy vibes don't quite fit what you are going for,
consider using Eli's voicebank.
Believe it or not but there was once a time, where the pauper actually enjoyed to sing silly or even cheesy songs.