A prince struck by blue melancholy.
Kishin is a royal member of a kingdom situated in the south, right next to a wide ocean. As crown prince of the Ao Mugen noble house, his life since his birth was filled with excellent treatment, prestige, privilege and a lot of recognition. Everything was pretty much granted towards him. He was missing nothing. The most expensive clothing, the finest food, the best teachers – basically the best possible life conditions. He was supported in his development, being able to fence, play the piano and the violin and have singing lessons. Mostly together with his younger sister, Elisabeth Ao Mugen. A sweet, innocent and bubbly girl, full of joie de vivre. Although Kishin had to keep up with a lot of responsibilities and was constantly strained, as his family expected much from him, his little “Eli” always managed to put a smile on his face with the simplest actions. May it be weaving a flower crown for him, calling him “Kishi” instead of “Kishin” or just cheering for him when he was training. Elisabeth was all of Kishin’s happiness, that vanished, as soon as she did. When Kishin turned 21, his 5 years younger sister disappeared all of a sudden, leaving no trace behind, telling no one where she went to. No longer was he able to sing together with her. He no longer had the same enjoyment in music, as he had before. No one could explain where princess Elisabeth went. Many theories about her vanishment were formed over the years, but none could be confirmed. The first and probably most logical thought was abduction, but a ransom demand has never arrived. Maybe enemies of the noble family have taken her with them without any desire to collect money, simply to cause harm. However, this made little sense, as it would have been a much more effective method to abduct Kishin, as he is the one next in line for the throne and not his younger sister. The years passed on and even with extensive searching campaigns executed, there was never again a single track of the missing princess. Kishin felt very intensely, how with each passing year, the whereabouts of his sister remained being unknown, sorrow grew in his heart. He himself and the people surrounding him noticed, how he became more and more mute and indifferent. He lost the drive to work on anything anymore, but he had to, as his family counted on him. After 7 years of Elisabeth’s disappearance, almost everyone lost all hope of ever finding her again. Everyone but Kishin. It was painful for his relatives to witness, how he simply couldn’t let her go. They tried to convince him to give up and come to peace with the fact, that she might even be dead at this point, but Kishin basically snapped at everyone, who even dared to suggest this. Eventually, also his parents got tired of looking for their daughter. No matter how much they extended the search area or paid money to hang up missing person posters, they couldn’t get any hints of her location. The rulers of the Ao Mugen kingdom, have lost the desire to look for their child. Which made Kishin livid. He questioned them, how they could dare, to even express such a sense of negligence, but his furious emotions could no longer reach neither his father, nor his mother. They simply stated, that they did everything in their power to find her. And it just wasn’t enough. They have to deal with it. Poking around in the void will simply ruin them. They have to put their focus and energy on other topics, which promise to turn out more profitable and successful. One of these topics being, taking care of the heritage of the royal family. Kishin has reached an age, where it was about time for him to settle. It wouldn’t be too long till he has to take over the throne. His parents demanded of him, to put his mind onto securing the next generation of the Ao Mugens. The prince simply could not understand, how it mattered so little to them, that they lost their daughter. Queen and King Ao Mugen kept emphasizing that they do care, but after such a long time they would need to come to a close. In a moment of rage, Kishin ranted his parents hypocrites. How can they express the wish to extend a family, which is missing a member? Was this their idea of dealing with the situation? Simply finding someone new and move on? Kishin however, could never defraud his heart like this. He told them, that he would not take the throne and get married, until he has found his little sister. And that they have to deal with this. Because he would put all his focus and energy on that, what is most important to him. Retrieving his biggest joy in life. With this declaration, Kishin set off to find his missing sister. All on his own, with the upmost determination of being successful in his mission. And he was. After venturing into parts that no one would dare to search for a princess in, as no one could possibly form the twisted expectation for a noble and delicate thing like her to get stuck in there, Kishin has found his sister. However…he did not find his Eli. As the woman he encountered insisted, being called by a different name. She is that little girl no more. Kishin was confused. Very confused. Not only, does the one he has been looking for deny all of his attempts to approach and reconnect with her, she also refuses to return with him. The prince feels overwhelmed, almost clueless. This whole situation seems so out of the blue for him…but does it really? Or is he just denying, that he has read these signs already a long time ago? Irrelevant the reasoning behind this all, no matter how much she is trying to repel and whatever happened to his little Eli…Kishin has promised, to bring her home. And he will. Even when this means, making his family wait much longer, for him to take over his heir. The well-being of his little sister, is his highest priority. The noble prince of the blue infinity has decided, to stay with his sister and to look after her, so she no longer has to be on her own. Kishin is now following her every footstep, which turned out to be quite hard, as “Eli” goes anywhere as she pleases. However, now where her brother has tracked her, he surely won’t let her of the hook again so easily. To her general annoyance. Although Kishin’s reunion with his younger sibling turned out to be a quite difficult situation, he felt something again, he hasn’t felt for 7 years. Happiness. The prince was overjoyed, having his most favourite princess next to him again. Even with her being a pauper now instead, it does not matter to him. He was able to sing together with his sister again. He regained his enjoyment in music.

Reference Sheet
Kishin is a very responsible and forbearing nobleman. He has a prudent and considerate character, which makes him observe various, even nerve-racking situations, very calmly. An intelligent young adult, that can barely be perturbed. One of the few ordeals, that could possibly make him lose his cool, is the situation with his younger sister. He is having a hard time to wrap his head around her attitudes, but it is probably for anyone difficult to understand, how a young girl could throw her privileged life away to voluntarily live on the streets. Therefore making the first arguments he had with Elisabeth once he had found her again quite heated, but the more time Kishin spends with her, the better he is beginning to understand her motives. Making him realize, how much of a pure heart his Eli actually has. Although he will probably never agree with her views. Kishin is at peace with the fact, that in life some are simply better off then others. What is injustice to his little sister, is some kind of balance to the blue prince. Besides that, he does indeed enjoy his noble life and all the benefits he is surrounded with. He would not want to give them away. Elisabeth does not condemn him for these preferences, after all they are natural, but this does not change the fact that she can’t stand a life in the castle anymore. Not after all the things she has realized about the world. While Kishin does not panic as easily when confronted with heated situations, he does seem quite gullible, guileless and naive at times, which is probably because of his sheltered and protected life he had before. Making his younger sister, which has been through a lot ever since she run away from home, question if he behaves like he has been living behind the moon on purpose. Only for her to realize that, no, he has not been living behind the moon…he has simply been living in a castle.
To learn more about the prince, visit his UTAU WIKI


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