A pauper addicted to silence.
Kyuuyou ran away from home at a rather young age. Ever since she left her origins, she began roaming the streets to get through each following day of her life on her own. Traveling from shelter to shelter she meets a lot of very different people, who share their stories with her. Mostly they do this through singing, as playing music together next to a fire can seems to be one of the best ways to get others to open up about themselves. The voluntary pauper collects these stories to learn from them, so maybe one day she will recognize what holds the world together at its core. While doing so, she reveals close to nothing about herself. Leaving others unaware and puzzled about her plans and motivations. Probably, because she doesn’t have any. Besides that, she doesn’t really sing for any particular reason. Fellow homeless roamers quickly grasped upon Kyuuyou’s low tolerance to noise and high desire to rest and sleep a lot, earning her the name. “Chuudoku” became a pretty much inevitable appendix afterwards, as her tendencies got so severe, that she could simply sleep the day away. In the street scene the girl made unwillingly quite a name for herself. While she awoke the impression of a shooed little kitty when she was just a newcomer, Kyuuyou turned into a quiet and aphatic cynic you can barely scare with anything anymore. She seems indifferent when putting people in their places. Combining this cold behavior with her piercing emerald like eyes, which look like they stare right into ones soul, made others call her the “Green Eyed Devil”. Which is ironic to the pauper, as she personally avoids eye contact as much as she can, in fear others might see her soul. She is also not getting, how much of a “devil” she can be, when as soon as things start to get very serious, she immediately panics and is frightened to death. However, this fact does never stop her from intervening in any dangerous situation, if this saves the integrity or life of someone else. Another common nickname for KY is “Panda” for obvious similarities like her thick and dark eye bags, her poor sleeping and eating habits and other commonalities. The runaway frequently enables the feeling to fear her, although her actions speak a different language. She often looks for others in need, to bring them food, medicine, something to clean themselves with or simply to talk with them when they need an open ear – giving her a contrasting reputation. Kyuuyou is seen alone most of the time, as she is a loner who turns to no one. When others do attempt to get close to her, she pushes them away. It is quite hard for anyone to understand her personality and the reasons for her to behave like this. When confronted about these topics, the girl simply expresses, that she is a self-inflicted achromatic. She holds the deep believe, that just by her living, she hurts others. When she is fine, others are not. That when she is privileged, others are suffering. She would rather be miserable like so many other in the world, than living it up and turning the other cheek. She wants to decrease the suffering or at least take part in it. Not to cause or take advantage of it. Disregarding her own well-being. Anything else, would make her feel like a hypocrite. These are probably the determinations which give her a drive, although she has no perspectives. Understanding the stories and backgrounds of others, making them heard, gives her an idea of what to think of the world and how to navigate it. Maybe that is the reason, she is singing for.

Reference Sheet
Kyuuyou sleeps a lot, because she is restless. Constant negative thinking drains her energy, making her want to enter unconsciousness, so she does not have to feel exhaustion all of the time. She is very reticent and never laughs. Although she seems quite tough, she actually has a really fearful and sad self. She acts sturdy and unaffected to protect herself from any harm. She does not like to talk in a bad way or harm others, but sees herself forced to do so, to survive and avoid damage in a criminal and reckless world. KY often involves herself in situations that are actually beyond her control, but still does so, to initiate a progressive development. Bringing herself in danger while doing so. Playing hero like this would have gotten most people dead by now, but thanks to the pauper’s intelligence, she managed to navigate most situations more or less successfully. Even though KY often feels annoyed because of her environments, it is quite a hard task to make her snap at someone. Most of the time she keeps her cool and stays calm, no matter how hard someone is trying to provoke her. In general, KY isn’t someone to show any emotions really.
The most she usually reveals, is annoyance. When it comes to being offered benefits of any kind, KY will mostly reject them. She does not want any special treatment. As far as she is concerned, she is fine with being as poor as the poorest person on the planet.
To learn more about the pauper, visit her UTAU WIKI

LOGO - Romaji
LOGO - Kana

Splash Art - Original