Eli is a vortex of pure joy. Rarely referring to herself by her full name, as she is too occupied with various other things in her mind. Speaking out “E-li-sa-beth” seems too much of a hassle to her, especially when she is on the lookout for a new activity to pursue. The bubbly girl is the second child of the aristocratic Ao Mugen family but does care little about her noble duties. When being told to study or to pay attention to her etiquette, she rather turns back to playing again. Much to the discontent of her parents, in particular her mother. Her brother Kishin however, doesn’t mind her playful nature. More than that, he even supports it, for which he receives a lot of love from his little sister. The siblings used to have music lessons together, where they would sing their hearts out. This has changed however, ever since Elisabeth has reached her adolescence. The once lively and loud child started to turn more and more silent. Till she eventually disappeared, making her family question where she went. The girl no longer enjoyed to sing. She could not sing happy songs with a heavy heart. Sugar and spice and everything nice. One could say, that most children are made of that. Eli is no exception. More than that, she is pretty much the embodiment of this sentiment. Her mind is filled with vibrant colours, pretty flowers and butterflies. She would get excited about the smallest things and every new discovery was a miracle to her. Eli anchored the deep belief that there is no evil. She didn’t even know what evil is. All she knew were the castle walls, the friendly servants, her demanding parents, and her wonderful older brother. Who never looked down upon his little sister for being so cheerful, yet gullible and naive. Kishin always encouraged Elisabeth in all her wishes, ideas and motivations, no matter how unrealistic or far-fetched they were. So when his little sister told him, that she would pursue every profession known to men, he would uplift her and tell to do so. While the young prince had a much stricter upbringing, with not so much room for nonsensical wish fulfillment, Elisabeths relatives weren’t quite as harsh to her in comparison. After all, she wouldn’t inherit the throne one day. The mother of the two however, never fully agreed with the consensus, of letting their daughter “run free”. The stoic woman is convinced, that children who are made to believe unrealistic ideas and fantasies, grow into adults who wouldn’t be able to handle the harsh reality of a cruel world. She would often scold her daughter, to quit playing around so much and to do something rational instead, which lead to Eli becoming upset with her. Even though Kishin wasn’t supposed to, he would always solace his little sister and try to explain, that their mothers’ words are benevolent in nature. The girl could never agree with this justification, but would it eventually prove itself. One day the family was riding in a carriage through the town and while doing so, Elisabeths curiosity got the best of her. Although told multiple times not to do so, she glimpsed through the curtains from the inside of the wagon outside the window, witnessing quite the horrific event in a dark alley close to the street. It shocked the little girl so much that she couldn’t stop crying for days. Years past by but Eli never really recovered. She got noticeably quieter and less energetic. Even her most favorite activities wouldn’t bring her as much joy anymore. Instead, she started thinking a lot. She began questioning the real nature of the world. She couldn’t believe that evil exists. She started to ask herself if she was evil. What children…what people in general are really made of. While the princess did a lot of playing around in her childhood, she used her youth to study the outside world. Why are things the way they are? How can they be changed? Why can’t she share the good life she has with others? Elisabeths desire to research got so immense, that she even started to doubt the ways of her royal heritage. The queen of the Ao Mugen noble hood spotted her daughter searching through the family archives and questioned her, what she did this for. The princess started to confront her, questioning whether her family is good or bad. The majesty got no sympathy for such one-dimensional views. She replied that the world is neither white nor black, but grey. All of it. And the sooner her daughter would realize and accept this, the earlier she would find peace. This response would leave the princess baffled. Eli was always aware that she seemed to have some kind of aversion towards her mother, but could never properly explain those feelings to herself. Now she could. She simply disliked her mother for knowing best…for being right. It was at this point that the child started to understand the reality of things. It was almost as if she would awake out of a beautiful dream. But it was also this very moment, where the girl made a decision for herself. She will do good – and will not do bad. After four years of uncertainness and asking herself what the truth really is, Elisabeth ran away. She was sure that she could not do good, when she is living an untroubled life, while others are not. It would not mend any suffering. It would not make her heart any lighter. Eventually she would need to find another reason to sing. One with more meaning.

Eli was always able to see the good in anything. Gloomy times are something she is not familiar with, as even the rainiest days made her smile. Jumping into a muddy puddle is something she considered as fun as picking flowers during a sunny afternoon. The only time where she would feel sadness is in situations where she is told that she cannot do something. May it be that she cannot have a second slice of cake or that she won’t be able to follow one of the many professions she aspires to. The young princess’s conviction is that if you really really want something and work hard for it, you can achieve anything. Even though the girl has distanced herself more and more from her childish self as she grew older, she has never lost this very sentiment. Even today she believes that she could help everyone, even though she wouldn’t admit it. As much as Elisabeth insists that she is that little girl no more, there are still plenty of similarities left which will probably never disappear. Till this day, Eli still has to find someone or something, she does not see the good in.

To learn more about Eli, visit her UTAU WIKI

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